Saturday, December 25, 2010


At night, when rain soaks the earth
Permeating the air with aroma
the zephyr so pleasant
wisps of clouds soar into the gray
earth – a lush expanse of emerald green
sparkling crystals splash rhythmically
on to the frozen earth
water-plants voyage through the vibrant seas
hazy memories hold you
in a tidal wave of emotions
Waters glisten like crystal
In the deep , probing eyes of a girl
On the shore of the deep,
We sit silhouetted again in
That distant childhood night
To set sail the paper boats
Those blissful bells of laughter
Chime within the memories
Crescent of moon glowing gently
Under the canopy of stars
A newly opened flower moist
With raindrops
Shimmering on its petals
Emanating eternal love & life.

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