Saturday, December 25, 2010

Final Collapse in the Blue

Alone in the solitude, she wept;
For her, Love was a mere delusion;
Silent sobs gnawing at her heart;
All turning deaf;
All turning blind;
Smithereens of a broken heart,
Imploring cohesion;
They claimed to love her;
Then, why eclipsed remained the
Injured core;
In the empty smiles,
She tried to content;
Her fortitude belied her;
The mirror mocked at her;
Her existence ceased within her;
Her lips quivering in complaint;
Her eyes shimmering;
In an ocean of unshed tears
immured in her;
Tears were not just tears;
But beads of cold, frozen blood
A bottle of devouring pills on the table
Asking the final courage;
The prelude to a fatal collapse…

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