Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Serendipity

Greenish black silhouettes of trees
sans the complacency
mystique in their conversation,
A stream of uneven triangular arcs
in commune with the lilac-grey puffs
of floating vapour
coalescing in rebellion,
Scent of wild delicate roses
a lovers temptation,
Cascades of prismatic water
falling like emotions hard
then, mingling plan-gently
in the river of thoughts,
A lavish pristine green meadow
inventive in its own league,
Celestial beads of a night crown
defying the theory of existentialism,
What a euphoric serendipity!
To perceive the  natures mosaic charms.

Your Love

I can feel the
compassion of raindrops,
And in the sun's grace
i can rejoice,
in the rainbow of
your love,
I have found the
colours of life...


a life fanciful-
a semblance of a star
twinkling forever,
Could have dared
the blues???


When man pampers voilence,
its a crime,
In self-righteousess,
when creator itself
is the invader,
Who's to give
the assessment?


No malice or avarice,
They ask but, for a life
Why slaughter innocent animals
for your brutal lust,
Do you realize,
How much humanity
do you pay?
To quench this
barbaric thirst


Fraught with storm and blaze,
In rain without compassion
In fire without desire
In love without yearning;
A flower blooming
only to rot away…


Abhor apparent,
Those malicious tyrants,
Flaws never justified,
But their slanders never
fail to misguide...


The silvery crescent
beaming with compassion ,
first gold of dawn
thwarting the black terror ,
gushing rivers
singing a saga of sanctity-
a saga that could humble
all manifestations,
Then, why stand petrified
by the fire lit by yourself?
a self flourish of ambiguities
& repine,
If discern the other side of darkness ,
you lay ablaze in ethereal incandescence
The hieroglyphs of creators rescue…

A Picturesque

The crimson ball of fire
descending in the unknown,
Mirroring on the roaring seas,
Lofty mountains standing undeterred
silhouetting enchantingly
against the blushing azure,
Glimpses of trio of birds,
Their flight, promising no horizons,
Pruned trees dancing
in esoteric merriment,
Leaves rustling gently
in the zephyr,
Their whispers indecipherable,
Clouds parting &
then again embracing
Enthralling colossus imagery,
Stars blinking in
awesome awareness,
An aura of tranquility & gay,
Highest degree of contentment,
To live life
Amidst natures simple
bliss of living…


Crescent of a moon craving fullness;
A stream flowing gently,
starving little fishes
looking for little deeds of goodness;
A hungry shark ,
relentless to create a red sea;
The wrath of a volcano
lying dormant;
A mourning peacock
looking up at the skies
desperate to perform the antics
in the downpour;
An autumn tree
whose branches have bared;
A heap of wet clay
lying untouched
in the potters wheel;
An artist whose creations
have exhausted;
I can feel the absence everywhere;
I can feel the absence inside me…

Final Collapse in the Blue

Alone in the solitude, she wept;
For her, Love was a mere delusion;
Silent sobs gnawing at her heart;
All turning deaf;
All turning blind;
Smithereens of a broken heart,
Imploring cohesion;
They claimed to love her;
Then, why eclipsed remained the
Injured core;
In the empty smiles,
She tried to content;
Her fortitude belied her;
The mirror mocked at her;
Her existence ceased within her;
Her lips quivering in complaint;
Her eyes shimmering;
In an ocean of unshed tears
immured in her;
Tears were not just tears;
But beads of cold, frozen blood
A bottle of devouring pills on the table
Asking the final courage;
The prelude to a fatal collapse…

There WAS an Angel..

Surrounded by
mirrors of love,
there sits an angel
pure and pristine,
untouched by worldly sadism,

One by one,
the mirrors fall out
into pieces…
now, mirroring
the icy cold stare
of a statue
drenched in blood,

Her stillness questioning
every moment of truth,
“Am I betraying or being betrayed?”


At night, when rain soaks the earth
Permeating the air with aroma
the zephyr so pleasant
wisps of clouds soar into the gray
earth – a lush expanse of emerald green
sparkling crystals splash rhythmically
on to the frozen earth
water-plants voyage through the vibrant seas
hazy memories hold you
in a tidal wave of emotions
Waters glisten like crystal
In the deep , probing eyes of a girl
On the shore of the deep,
We sit silhouetted again in
That distant childhood night
To set sail the paper boats
Those blissful bells of laughter
Chime within the memories
Crescent of moon glowing gently
Under the canopy of stars
A newly opened flower moist
With raindrops
Shimmering on its petals
Emanating eternal love & life.


My favourite lines are:

But what use is a poem,
once the writing's done;
Words looking for what
in the dark of the soul;
I know that much,
When all else has failed,
poem's words are perhaps justified.

-Jayanta Mahapatra

My fav poem is


The girl who dedicated herself to my love
Is now committing suicide

Blue beads of perspiration on my forehead
I was total fulfillment to her
Maybe a certain dishonesty was within me
Or she has never seen a sea
She is committing suicide now
Her fingers, hidden soft blood, white throat is still alive
Only her eyelids are still
In the mirror of frozen consent
She is still alive
And has never seen a sea

We were to go to the seaside together
She is still alive
Even now the trip could be made
Blue icicles of perspiration on my forehead
even now she could be kissed through the night
even she could be kissed after her death
she looked so beautiful while asleep
a deeper sleep would create beauty more
but she is alive yet now
only her eyelids are still
her fingers are trembling in doubt
trembling are the diamonds and the faces
soft blood is darkening in fear
transparent wind and night in her white throat

I am nothing in front of these waves
And the warning signal of the storm
In this foam and roars of ea-horses of dark coral islands
My own lips are unknown to me

I was total fulfillment to her
Like death, to die, like dead
Blue beads of time on my forehead
The girl who dedicated herself to my love
Is committing suicide now.

-Nabarun Bhattacharya

Another of my fav is FINAL ENCOUNTER WITH THE SUPREME MALE. This poem is based on Indian Mythology and has a note of criticism in it.

( The title refers to Purushottama, both Vishnu and ‘The Supreme Male’)

Fish, turtle, boar, man-lion- you don’t bother me as these.
Your dwarf-aspect that scuttled brave Bali-I don’t dwell on that.

That sixth incarnation of yours stays in m mind,
the face of Parashurama. For I was Renuka then.
Out of my blood and flesh and agony I had given that face its breath,
daily nurtured it with the breast’s loving stream.
And then-your axe came swinging down on me!
What was it my stunned sight tried to scream?
Did my ruptured throat cry out at all?
History keeps its mouth shut.

Next we met
in the Treta Age: I had hung my garland of love
about your neck, to follow you fourteen years in the forest.
And then you wanted to see my searing death by fire.
This time I spoke my mind-but History
stamped out my word of anger and let it die
beneath a chorus of hymns and paeans to my chastity.

Next we met at Dwapura-I, Rukmini
rebelliously had braved my father’s wrath
to take you to my heart, my loving husband.
You welcomed me, your loving wife-and then
what was this rebel’s reward? An inner-room incarceration
As so-called chief wife in with a thousand wives.
At this point History was busy taking down ‘Gita’ to your dictation.

In the first days of ‘Kali’ we next met.
In your ninth incarnation you aimed to rid the world of sorrow.
My sadness alone was of no account to you.
When I sought to follow you in the path of liberation,
you thought it would make it hard going for the male disciples.
(You allowed it only after Ananda’s plea)

In the last days of ‘Kali’
we meet for the last time, here at creation’s end.
Today your face has no divine mask.
Today my face has shed its veil of devotion.
Today my eyes flame with hate,
as scorn switches to astonishment in yours,
astonishment to anger.
Now fury is ablaze
in your eyes. Hatred in mine.
The fires meet and the skies are full of lightning,
the forests are on fire, the seas are on fire,
you are turning into ashes, I am turning into ashes,
an inferno makes an ash-heap of Creation.

And then- the ashes thrust aside
one day- a new world may be born
to live and last, that has no supreme Male.

-Sushmita Bhattacharya